Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I have been very sick with a flu-like virus and this has made me morose, and introspective.  I am discouraged by the bad economy and the lack of art sales in general at the shows I have gone to or been in.  I am taking this time to hone my drawing and painting skills, and am really making progress, but at times I need to take a break from the disciplined exercise of pushing myself to be better, and just take a little time off to just draw, or paint or experiment.

I have started a drawing a day journal, I have just finished my first month.  Some days I am disappointed in the drawings, and some days I am really excited about them.  I have missed one day, but this journal is for me.  I do my drawing right after breakfast, before I even get dressed or shower, and it really helps set my day.

I find it is improving my drawing skills, and I use it to experiment in areas that are hard, or I still am shaky in. Even with the flu-like symptoms, I have been drawing more, and I do fun demos when I teach my classes.  My serious painting is slowed to a stop until I feel better, catch up on work, and have the emotional energy to make the final touches.  I have a still life that is just hours from the final update, but I can't bring myself to focus on it yet.  I dialog with myself about it, but the energy is still not there.

I have been doing better though.  My art is now working as therapy for me.  I can use it to cheer myself up when I am down.  The process, not the result or the learning seems to be the solution.

I need more money, and have had to start back programming.  This is creative, and I am going to try to increase my cashflow with that, and let my art just be focused on skill improvement.  My goal to to reach the first level of mastery- very accurate drawings that require very minor corrections as I go along, and mastery of the techniques of painting.  I feel once that level of mastery is accomplished, then I can really get started on the second phase of mastering my art, composition, creativity, and subtle statements of who I am and what my art means to me.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jim, you are a master in your art and may be to demanding on your ability to control your emotions. I wish Dennis and I could be of any help for you. Love and we have missed the years we were seeing you. Love to you my friend, if you ever could read or receive this message
