Friday, September 11, 2009

Too Busy Means Too Busy

I have been too busy to blog, and am days late in getting this one out. I have been too busy to spend more than 15 minutes each day drawing (though I do break loose a couple of times a week for a few hours of drawing). Too busy to paint (just touch-ups and adjustments to my mostly finished paintings). Too busy to live life, and enjoy being an artist. Yuck!

I have been working hard at trying to increase my art business. I am venturing forth to teach art, as well as increasing the number of shows and competitions, I am trying to increase the number of drawing and painting drop-ins and classes. The business side of art is pressing the bounds of reason in terms of the time I am spending doing it. The business side of art is starting to eat its young (creating art), and I am not happy with that.

I know we are all busy, but I have always seemed to be exceptional busy, and I do not know how I create this problem, but I have a gut feeling that I do. I am struggling with balance. I need money to live, and I need time to create art. There is never enough of either. And then their are friends and family that I really want to see and be with. And what about me time? Time to heal and time to rest?

I am feeling tremendous pressure to do everything, as I keep having to shed activities. I know this is a big transition period for me time-wise. With September, all my usual fall, winter and spring activities are starting up again and this plus show schedules and contests are all coming alive again after summer.

I presume that this is a challenge we all face as artists. It is hard to balance life, and art. Right now I feel I am not doing enough art, and art is the reason I do the other things. I just have to put first things first, arrange my life around creating art, and then arrange the rest of my time to do the things I need to support my creating art. I have to get into my artist mindset, and out of my everyday mindset. What is life without art? Empty.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I know exactly how you're feeling! I just went back to work after a two month summer break and I'm finding it really difficult to balance work and art and business. Like you, I'm trying ot branch out and make my art make money. Blogging, private lessons, workshops and classes... It's so hard to do it all and I keep adding things to my list!
